Sergey Suchkov

The Russian University of Medicine

Sergey Suchkov graduated from Astrakhan State Medical University and awarded with MD, then in 1985 maintained his PhD at the Sechenov University and in 2001, maintained his Doctorship Degree at the Nat Inst of Immunology, Russia. From 1987 through 2004, he was a Researcher ar some Russian Academical Institutions. From 2004 and through the present time is chair and/or directors of the departments, labs and divisions. Dr Suchkov has been trained at: NIH; Wills Eye Hospital, PA, USA; Univ of Florida in Gainesville; UCSF, S-F, CA, USA; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA. At present, Dr Sergey Suchkov is a Professor of The Russian University of Medicine, and Member of the the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Moscow, Russia. He is a member of the: New York Academy of Sciences, USA; American Chemical Society (ACS), USA; American Heart Association (AHA), USA; EPMA (European Association for Predictive, Preventive and Personalized Medicine), Brussels, EU; ARVO (American Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology); ISER (International Society for Eye Research); PMC (Personalized Medicine Coalition), Washington, USA.

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