Welcome to the Food Science and Technology 2024!

We are delighted to extend our warmest greetings to all participants, experts, and enthusiasts joining us for this exciting event. It is with great pleasure that we come together to explore the latest advancements, share innovative research, and engage in thought-provoking discussions in the dynamic fields of food technology and nutrition science.

Throughout this conference, we aim to foster collaboration, inspire creativity, and facilitate the exchange of ideas that will shape the future of food and nutrition. From cutting-edge developments in food processing and preservation to ground-breaking discoveries in nutritional health and wellness, our program promises a diverse array of topics that will captivate and inspire.

We encourage you to take full advantage of this invaluable opportunity to connect with fellow researchers, industry leaders, and policymakers, as we collectively strive towards a healthier, more sustainable food future. Whether you are a seasoned professional or a budding scholar, your unique perspectives and contributions are integral to the success of this event.

On behalf of the organizing committee, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to all participants for your dedication, passion, and commitment to advancing the frontiers of food technology and nutrition science. Together, let us embark on this journey of exploration, innovation, and discovery.

Warm regards,

Organizing Committee

Opulent Conferences

Food Science and Technology 2024

Opulent Conferences is pleased to present the World Congress Food Science and Technology, which is going to be held in Barcelona, Spain on November 06–07, 2024. Food Science and Technology 2024 aims to unite the most innovative ideas and sharpest minds in the fields of food science, technology, and nutrition. In order to address the potential and challenges of developing sustainable, wholesome, and creative food systems, this conference will examine the cutting-edge innovations that are influencing the future of food and nutrition.

The Food Science and Technology Conference, organized by Opulent Conferences, is intended to go beyond conventional presentation styles. Practical skills in food analysis and health-focused product formulation are imparted through interactive workshops given by industry professionals. The newest advancements in food processing, preservation, and safety will be shown in a technology showcase segment, providing an early look at the breakthroughs that could completely change the food business. In an effort to promote a thorough awareness of these concerns, the event will feature panel talks on important subjects such genetic modification ethics, alternative proteins, and preventing food waste.

A Global Food Policy Forum, with an emphasis on international rules and standards, will discuss the critical role that policy will play in directing the future of food and nutrition. The meeting will give special consideration to dietary requirements.

We'll talk about sustainability and ethics in food production, emphasizing the value of ethical sourcing and creative farming methods. A special highlight of the conference is the Culinary Innovation Lab, where famous chefs and food technologists will combine nutrition and gastronomy in live demonstrations.

Diverse people will be encouraged to share ideas and develop partnerships by creating dedicated venues for networking and collaboration. In an effort to encourage creativity and passion in the profession, the conference will also involve the next generation of food scientists and nutritionists by providing student poster sessions, awards, and mentorship opportunities.


Sessions & Tracks

The Food Science and Technology 2024 features an array of sessions and tracks designed to explore the forefront of food innovation and nutritional science.

Track 1 - Innovations in Alternative Proteins

Innovations in alternative proteins are revolutionizing the food industry, offering sustainable and ethical alternatives to traditional animal-based products. These advancements span various sources, including plant-based proteins, cultured or lab-grown meats, and alternative protein sources like insects and algae. Plant-based proteins, derived from sources such as soy, peas, and lentils, have undergone significant innovation to mimic the taste, texture, and nutritional profile of meat products. Cultured or lab-grown meats represent another frontier in alternative proteins, where cells from animals are grown in a controlled environment to produce meat without the need for raising and slaughtering animals.

Track 2 - Advances in Food Safety and Microbiology

Advances in food safety and microbiology are crucial for ensuring the quality and safety of the food supply chain. With increasing globalization, climate change, and emerging pathogens, staying ahead in this field is paramount to prevent foodborne illnesses and maintain public health.

Track 3 - The Rise of Nutrigenomics

The rise of nutrigenomics marks a significant shift in our understanding of how diet and genetics interact to influence individual health outcomes. Nutrigenomics explores the relationship between nutrients, gene expression, and the prevention or management of chronic diseases. This field recognizes that our genetic makeup influences how our bodies respond to different nutrients and dietary patterns.

Track 4 - Building Sustainable Food Systems

Building sustainable food systems is imperative for addressing the complex challenges of food security, environmental sustainability, and social equity. A sustainable food system ensures that food production, distribution, and consumption practices are environmentally sound, economically viable, and socially responsible, both now and for future generations. At its core, sustainable food systems strive to minimize negative environmental impacts, such as deforestation, greenhouse gas emissions, and biodiversity loss, while maximizing resource efficiency and conservation.

Track 5 - Revolutionizing Food Packaging

Revolutionizing food packaging is a critical aspect of advancing towards a more sustainable and efficient food industry. Traditional food packaging often contributes to environmental degradation through excessive use of plastic, non-recyclable materials, and over-packaging. However, recent innovations are reshaping the landscape of food packaging, prioritizing sustainability, functionality, and safety. One key trend in revolutionizing food packaging is the shift towards eco-friendly materials. Biodegradable and compostable packaging made from renewable resources, such as plant-based plastics, bio-based polymers, and biodegradable films, offer viable alternatives to traditional petroleum-based plastics.

Track 6 - Exploring Gut Health

Exploring gut health has become a focal point in understanding overall well-being, as research increasingly reveals the profound impact of the gut microbiome on various aspects of health. The gut microbiome, composed of trillions of microorganisms residing in the gastrointestinal tract, plays a vital role in digestion, metabolism, immune function, and even mental health. Research into gut health has highlighted the importance of maintaining a diverse and balanced microbiome. Factors such as diet, lifestyle, antibiotics, and stress can influence the composition and function of gut bacteria, potentially leading to dysbiosis, an imbalance in the microbiome associated with various health issues.

Track 7 - Nutrient Fortification and Bioactive Compounds

Nutrient fortification and bioactive compounds are strategies employed to enhance the nutritional value and health-promoting properties of foods. In order to address specific nutritional deficits or enhance overall nutritional quality, meals can be fortified with vitamins, minerals, or other vital nutrients. Bioactive compounds, on the other hand, are naturally occurring substances found in foods that have biological effects on the body beyond basic nutrition. Fortifying foods with essential vitamins and minerals is a common practice aimed at addressing micronutrient deficiencies, especially in populations where certain nutrients may be lacking in the diet.

Track 8 - Culinary Medicine

Culinary medicine is an innovative approach that integrates nutrition, cooking skills, and medical knowledge to promote health and prevent disease. It recognizes the powerful influence of food on health outcomes and seeks to empower individuals to make informed dietary choices that support their well-being. At its core, culinary medicine combines the art of cooking with the science of nutrition and medicine. By teaching individuals how to prepare and enjoy nutritious, whole foods, culinary medicine aims to improve dietary habits, prevent chronic diseases, and enhance overall health. It highlights how crucial it is to prepare meals with a range of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats in addition to fresh, in-season items.

Track 9 - Digital Transformation in Food Production

Digital transformation in food production is reshaping the way food is grown, harvested, processed, and distributed, leveraging technology to improve efficiency, sustainability, and traceability throughout the supply chain. One significant aspect of digital transformation is the adoption of precision agriculture techniques. Sensors, drones, satellite imagery, and other IoT (Internet of Things) devices are used to collect data on soil health, weather patterns, crop growth, and pest infestations.

Track 10 - Functional Beverages and Superfoods

Functional beverages and superfoods are two trends in the food and beverage industry that reflect consumers' increasing interest in health and wellness. Functional beverages are beverages that go beyond basic hydration, offering additional health benefits derived from added nutrients, vitamins, minerals, or bioactive compounds. These beverages are formulated to target specific health concerns or provide functional properties such as energy enhancement, immune support, digestion aid, or stress relief. Superfoods, on the other hand, are nutrient-dense foods that are particularly rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other beneficial compounds. These foods are often touted for their potential health-promoting properties and may offer a wide range of benefits, including boosting immunity, supporting heart health, improving cognitive function, and reducing inflammation.

Track 11 – Sensory Science in Food Choice

Sensory science plays a crucial role in understanding food choice by exploring how our senses — taste, smell, sight, touch, and even hearing — influence our perception and preference for food. It delves into how sensory attributes such as flavor, texture, appearance, and aroma interact to create a holistic experience that shapes our food preferences and consumption behaviors.

Track 12 – Emerging Food Processing Technologies

Emerging food processing technologies represent innovative methods and techniques that are shaping the future of food production, preservation, and distribution. These technologies are driven by a variety of factors, including the need for sustainability, efficiency improvements, enhanced food safety, and meeting the demands of a growing global population.

Track 13 – Global Nutrition and Food Security

Global nutrition and food security are critical issues that intersect with various aspects of public health, economic development, and environmental sustainability worldwide. Global nutrition addresses the quality and adequacy of diets across populations. It involves ensuring access to a balanced diet that provides essential nutrients for growth, development, and overall health. Food security encompasses availability, access, utilization, and stability of food supplies. It is present when everyone, everywhere, has physical and financial access to enough wholesome food that satisfies their dietary requirements and food preferences while maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle.

Track 14 – The Cultural Renaissance of Fermentation

The Cultural Renaissance of Fermentation marks a significant revival in the appreciation and practice of traditional fermentation techniques across various cultures worldwide. This resurgence reflects a growing interest in reconnecting with age-old food preservation methods and rediscovering their culinary and health benefits. Fermentation, as a process, involves the transformation of food through the action of microorganisms like bacteria, yeast, or molds. This transformative process not only extends the shelf life of foods but also enhances their flavors and nutritional value.

Track 15 – Plant-Based Diets

Plant-based diets have gained considerable attention and popularity in recent years, reflecting a shift towards more sustainable and health-conscious eating habits. These diets primarily consist of foods derived from plants, including fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes, while minimizing or excluding animal products like meat, dairy, and eggs. The appeal of plant-based diets lies in their potential health benefits. Research suggests that diets rich in plant foods can lower the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers.

Track 16 – Urban Farming Innovations

Urban farming innovations are transforming city landscapes by reintroducing agriculture into urban environments in innovative and sustainable ways. These initiatives aim to address challenges such as food security, environmental sustainability, and community resilience. One of the key innovations in urban farming is vertical farming, where crops are cultivated in vertically stacked layers or towers. This method optimizes space utilization in densely populated cities, making it possible to grow fresh produce in urban areas where traditional agriculture is impractical.

Track 17 – Understanding Food Allergies

Food allergies are immune system reactions that occur shortly after eating certain foods. They can range from mild to severe, with symptoms varying from hives and digestive problems to potentially life-threatening anaphylaxis. Understanding food allergies involves recognizing their causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and management.

Track 18 – Behavioral Aspects of Nutrition

The behavioural aspects of nutrition explore how psychological, social, and environmental factors influence eating behaviors and dietary choices. These factors play a crucial role in shaping individuals' food preferences, habits, and overall nutritional status.

Track 19 – Navigating Food Regulations

Navigating food regulations involves understanding and complying with laws, standards, and guidelines that govern the production, labeling, distribution, and sale of food products. These regulations are designed to ensure food safety, protect consumer health, and prevent deceptive practices in the food industry.

Track 20 – Dietary Needs for Healthy Aging

Dietary needs for healthy aging emphasize the importance of nutrition in maintaining optimal health, quality of life, and independence as individuals grow older. Aging is associated with physiological changes that can affect nutrient requirements and the body's ability to absorb and utilize nutrients effectively.

Track 21 – Food Substitution and Adulteration

Food adulteration and substitution refer to the deliberate or inadvertent alteration or replacement of food items with unapproved or inferior ingredients, which can be harmful to the integrity and health of the consumer. Regulation compliance, food quality, and safety are all compromised by these methods.

Track 22 – Zero-Waste Cooking

Zero-waste cooking is a culinary philosophy and practice that aims to minimize food waste throughout the food preparation and consumption process. It emphasizes resourcefulness, creativity, and sustainability in utilizing all parts of ingredients and reducing the environmental impact of food production.

Track 23 – Biotechnology in Food Enhancement

The application of scientific methods and technologies to raise the nutritional content, safety, sustainability, and quality of food items is known as "biotechnology in food enhancement." This field includes a range of biotechnological techniques, such as fermentation, genetic engineering, and bioprocessing, that are intended to address global issues related to food supply and consumption.

Track 24 – Mental Health and Diet

The connection between mental health and diet highlights the significant impact of nutrition on cognitive function, mood regulation, and overall mental well-being. Research increasingly supports the notion that a balanced diet plays a crucial role in maintaining mental health and potentially preventing or managing mental health disorders.

Track 25 Sports Nutrition and Performance

Sports nutrition plays a crucial role in optimizing athletic performance and supporting overall health for athletes of all levels. It focuses on providing the body with the right nutrients, in the right amounts, at the right times to enhance training, performance, and recovery.

Track 26 Food and Nutrition Policy Developments

Food and nutrition policies are essential frameworks developed by governments, international organizations, and communities to address various aspects of food production, distribution, accessibility, and nutritional quality. These policies aim to ensure food security, promote healthy eating habits, and address nutritional deficiencies and related health issues.

Track 27 Ethical and Cultural Dimensions of Eating

Eating is a deeply culturally and ethically influenced act that shapes how people view, select, and use food in both individuals and civilizations. These factors greatly influence food preferences, eating behaviors, and the social environment around meals.

Track 28 Food Security and Equity

When enough safe, nourishing food is physically, socially, and economically available to all people at all times to meet their dietary needs and food choices for an active and healthy life, this is referred to as food security. Ensuring food availability, access, use, and stability is necessary to achieve food security.

Track 29 – Importance Of Food Nutrition

Food nutrition is critically important for maintaining overall health and well-being throughout life. It provides the essential nutrients necessary for growth, development, energy production, and maintenance of bodily functions.

Track 30 – Oncology Nutrition

Oncology nutrition refers to the specialized field of nutrition that focuses on meeting the dietary needs of individuals undergoing cancer treatment. It plays a crucial role in supporting cancer patients before, during, and after treatment to optimize their nutritional status and overall well-being.

Track 31 – New Inventions in Nutrition Science

Nutrition science continually evolves with new research and innovations that shape our understanding of how food affects health. Recent inventions in nutrition science have focused on improving dietary assessment, enhancing food sustainability, and developing personalized nutrition strategies. Here are some notable advancements like Nutrigenomics, Microbiome research, Precision nutrition, Functional foods and so on.

Track 32 – Nutritional value and Quality of Foods

The nutritional value and quality of foods are critical aspects that determine their impact on health and well-being. These terms refer to the composition of nutrients and other beneficial components in foods, as well as factors influencing their safety and sensory properties.

Track 33 – Pediatrics Nutrition

Pediatric nutrition is a specialized branch of nutrition focused on the dietary needs and requirements of infants, children, and adolescents. It plays a crucial role in supporting growth, development, and overall health during these critical stages of life.

Track 34 – Prebiotics Nutrients

Prebiotics are a type of dietary fiber that promote the growth and activity of beneficial bacteria (probiotics) in the gut. Unlike probiotics, which are live bacteria found in certain foods and supplements, prebiotics are non-digestible fibers that serve as food for probiotics. They are primarily found in plant-based foods and have several important roles in promoting gastrointestinal health and overall well-being.

Track 35 – Probiotic Nutrients

When taken in sufficient quantities, probiotics—live microorganisms, mostly bacteria and certain yeasts—produce health benefits. These helpful microorganisms, which are sometimes called "good" or "friendly" bacteria, resemble the naturally occurring bacteria found in the human gut. Probiotics are important for preserving gut health and promoting general wellbeing.

Market Analysis

A growing emphasis on sustainability and health, along with changing consumer needs and technological improvements, are driving a dramatic transition in the food technology and nutrition research sector. Concerns about the effects of alternative proteins on the environment, animal welfare, and human health have led to a growing interest in plant-based and lab-grown alternatives, according to market research. An increase in funding for food tech businesses that provide cutting-edge approaches to food distribution, safety, and production goes hand in hand with this trend.

Nutrition science is also gaining attention, with a spotlight on personalized nutrition, gut health, and the role of diet in mental well-being. Advances in nutrigenomics are paving the way for dietary recommendations tailored to individual genetic profiles, offering new avenues for preventing and managing chronic diseases.

Sustainability remains a pivotal theme, with a push towards reducing food waste, improving packaging solutions, and promoting regenerative agriculture practices. As consumers become more health-conscious and environmentally aware, the demand for clean label products, functional foods, and nutritionally enhanced foods continues to rise.

Overall, the food technology and nutrition science market is poised for growth, with opportunities for innovation in product development, health interventions, and sustainable practices. The industry's future looks promising, with a focus on improving global food systems to meet the nutritional needs of a growing population while addressing environmental challenges.

Here are some of the potential key takeaways from the Food Science and Technology Conference:

Advancements in Food Processing: It's possible that participants gained knowledge of new food processing methods and technologies designed to boost food production's effectiveness, safety, and quality.

Nutritional Innovations: Attendees might have gained insights into emerging trends and innovations in nutrition science, including the development of functional foods, personalized nutrition approaches, and novel ingredients.

Sustainability in Food Production: The incorporation of sustainability principles—such as decreasing food waste, embracing eco-friendly packaging options, and supporting sustainable sourcing practices—into food production and consumption practices may have been a major theme.

Health and Wellness Trends: Discussions may have centered around the latest research findings on the impact of diet and nutrition on health outcomes, including the role of specific nutrients, dietary patterns, and lifestyle factors in disease prevention and management.

Regulatory Updates and Compliance: Attendees might have received updates on regulatory developments and compliance requirements in the food and nutrition industry, including food labeling regulations, safety standards, and policy initiatives.

Global Food Security Challenges: The conference may have addressed pressing issues related to global food security and the role of food technology and nutrition science in addressing challenges such as food insecurity, malnutrition, and access to nutritious food.

Collaboration and Networking Opportunities: Participants would have had the chance to network with peers, experts, and industry professionals, fostering collaboration and potential partnerships for future research projects or business ventures.

Interdisciplinary Insights: The conference likely provided a platform for interdisciplinary exchange, bridging the gap between food technology and nutrition science and encouraging cross-pollination of ideas from related fields such as agriculture, biology, public health, and environmental science.

Scientific Committee Members




06 Nov 2024 (UTC) - 07 Nov 2024 (UTC)

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